Beef Shank, Chicken on the bone or even try some belly pork slices - take one of these and very slowly simmer on the lowest heat you can get off your cooker - the beef will take 2 - 3 hours, chicken and pork somewhat less. When cooked, chuck away the water as it will be a bit murky by now and wash cooked meat and put aside in the fridge or just covered up.
Now get another pan of water and bring to the boil and chuck in some whole carrots (1 per person) a small onion per person, small sweet pepper (again 1 each) and a stick of celery each. If you have any parsnips lying around, a couple of big chunks can help.Add some crushed up garlic, some black peppercorns (whole) and a tiny bit of hot stuff - either chili powder, tabasco sauce etc - just a small enough to give it all a hint of a bite. The last mandatory ingredient is a pinch of cayenne (red pepper to you and me) with salt to taste.
Simmer this for about 10 minutes and add some sort of pasta and simmer for or further 5 or 10 minutes until the veg is cooked but DONT STIR as it will all get cloudy.
If you have any bay leaves and caraway seeds handy, I guess they can only add to the flavour.
A few minutes before the end drop in the meat so it gets warmed up a bit.
When served if you have any green stuff about - parsley or carrot leaves it can all add a bit of "Panash"
Should the thought of water coloured soup put you off, add a little piece of stock cube or even a fraction of Tumeric.